Implicit Coercion in Javascript

Demystifying implicit coercion in javascript with examples.

Implicit Coercion in Javascript


While JavaScript is known as one of the easiest programming languages for beginners, it can also become frustrating when developers expect JavaScript to do one thing and it returns another. If you do not understand coercion well enough, it will leave you baffled. To avoid such a situation, it's essential to understand how coercion works and the rules that javascript follows to convert one type of value into another.

Javascript's implicit coercion simply refers to Javascript attempting to coerce an unexpected value type to the expected type. So you can pass a string where it expects a number, an object where it expects a string etc, and it will try to convert it to the right type. This is a Javascript feature that is best avoided.


Knowingly or unknowingly, you have been dealing a lot with Type Coercion if you frequently code in JavaScript and you might as well came across a situation like this due to unexpected results generated.

I would suggest you going through this hilarious talk before you proceed, just to make it more interesting and fun at the same time.

Without further ado, let’s try to break down implicit coercion into a set of rules that we can both remember.

Types in JavaScript

We can refer to JavaScript as an untyped language, which means that it has no static types. However, the prominent myth that JavaScript doesn’t have types is false.

JavaScript has seven primitive types:

  • string
  • number
  • Boolean
  • undefined
  • null
  • Symbol
  • BigInt Variables in JavaScript don’t have types, however. Whenever we use the typeof operator to return a variable type, we return the variable’s value type.

There are only three types that can result from coercion in JavaScript — string, boolean and number. Coercion behavior is different for primitives and objects. Without further ado, let’s try to break down implicit coercion into a set of rules that we can both remember.

NOTE: In this post we will be covering on the primitive coercion.

Primitive Coercion

JavaScript primitives include boolean, string, number, null, and undefined.

Primitive to boolean

Primitives are coerced to boolean when using logical operators.

// number and string
123 && "hello"
-> true && true
-> "hello"

// string and string
"true" || "false"
-> true || true
-> "true"

// boolean or number
true && "23"
-> true && true
-> "23"

// number and number
0 && 23
-> false && true
-> 0

// null and boolean
null || true
-> false || true
-> true

// null and string
null || "hello"
-> false || true
-> "hello"

// null and undefined
null || undefined
-> false || false
-> undefined

Primitive to string

Primitives are coerced to string when using the binary + operator — if any operand is a string.

// number + string
123 + "hello"; // "123hello"

// string + boolean
"123" + true; // "123true"

// string + boolean + number
123 + "hello" + false; // "123hellofalse"

// string + undefined
"123" + undefined; // "123undefined"

// string + null
"123" + null; // "123null"

Primitive to number

Primitives are coerced to number when using

1. Comparison operators

// numeric string with number
"5" >= 1
-> 5 >= 1
-> true

// text string with number
"true" > 1
-> NaN > 1
-> false // text becomes NaN

// boolean with number
false < 1
// 0 < 1
// true // false becomes 0

// boolean with numeric string
true > "1"
// 1 > 1
// false // true becomes 1

// null with number
null < 10
// 0 < 10
// true // null becomes 0

// undefined with number
undefined < 1
// NaN < 1
// false // undefined becomes NaN

2. Arithmetic operators (except for + when one operand is a string)**

// numeric string with number
"5" - 1
-> 5 - 1
-> 4

// numeric string with number
"10" / 2
-> 10 / 2
-> 5

// boolean with number
true * "5" 
-> 1 * 5
-> 5

// null with number
null + 1
-> 0 + 1
-> 1

// undefined with number
undefined - 1
-> NaN - 1
-> NaN

3. Unary + operator

// number
-> 2

// string
-> 123

// boolean
-> 1

// null
-> 0

// undefined
-> NaN

4. Loose equality operators (except for when both arguments are already the same primitive)

// number and string
123 == '123'
-> 123 == 123
-> true

// boolean and string
false == "0"
-> 0 == 0
-> true

// boolean and number
true == 1
-> 1 == 1
-> true

// null and number
null == 0
-> false // special case - null can only be coerced to null and undefined via loose equality

// null and undefined
null == undefined // true

// NaN and NaN
NaN == NaN
-> false // special case - NaN isn't equal to anything!


We’ve broken down how JavaScript implicitly coerces primitives to boolean, string and number into different categories and came up with rules for common cases in each category.

You can find more examples on this site which may also help you understand coercion better.

Thats it for the post, see you in the next one :)
