Ways to clone an object in Javascript
Diving deeper into the concept of object cloning and exploring different ways and their limitations.
There are many blog posts, articles, and stack overflow threads that exist on this topic already. This article is my attempt to put the collective knowledge of the internet into one composed summary that is easy to follow and reference.
What is object cloning and why do we need it?
As the name suggests it simply means "cloning" the properties of an object so that we get a complete copy that is unique but has the same properties as the original object.
There are two common reasons why we need object cloning:
- Copying data so you can modify the object without affecting the original object.
- Working with frameworks and libraries that rely on the immutability principle like React, Redux, etc.
Types of copies
As we know that object is a non-primitive data type, depending on the how you make a copy of an object there are two possibilities:
1. Shallow copy
The diagram above clearly explains that when a shallow copy of an object is made the new variable still points to the same reference ( memory address ). Any changes made in the cloned object would change the original object as well.
When an object is copied by reference i.e. only the memory address of the object is copied then it is called a shallow copy.
2. Deep copy
Unlike the diagram of shallow copy, here we can see that the variable storing the cloned object points to a new reference ( memory address ). Any changes made to the cloned object won't affect the original object.
When an object is copied by value i.e. a new memory address is allocated to the cloned object while the values remain the same, then it is called deep copy.
Ways to clone an object
Let's see the different ways we can clone an object and the limitations of the same one by one with examples.
1. assignment operator '='
let user = {
firstName: 'Varun',
lastName: 'Khalate'
let clonedUser = user;
clonedUser.firstName = 'Raj';
firstName: 'Raj',
lastName: 'Khalate'
As we can observe, the details of the original object user
have changed which implies that clonedUser
is a shallow copy. This doesn't satisfy our first reason listed in why do we need object cloning which is a limitation.
Javascript does a shallow copy by default for the non-primitive data type.
2. for loop
Example 1
let user = {
firstName: 'Varun',
lastName: 'Khalate'
let clonedUser ={};
for (let key in user) {
clonedUser[key] = user[key];
clonedUser.firstName = 'Raj';
firstName: 'Varun',
lastName: 'Khalate'
As we can observe, the details of the original object user
did not change which implies that clonedUser
is a deep copy.
We can use this method to clone an object but what if we have a nested object? Let's take an example.
Example 2
let user = {
id: '42',
name: {
firstName: 'Varun',
lastName: 'Khalate'
let clonedUser = {};
for (let key in user) {
clonedUser[key] = user[key];
clonedUser.name.firstName = "Raj";
id: '42',
name: {
firstName: 'Raj',
lastName: 'Khalate'
We can see that the firstname
has changed to Raj
which implies that the name
object inside the user
object is copied by reference ( a shallow copy ) in clonedUser
. Hence we can't say that clonedUser
is a deep copy.
3. Object.assign()
The Object.assign() method is used to copy the values of all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object. Objects are assigned and copied by reference. It will return the target object.
const clonedUser = Object.assign({}, user);
This method is also used to merge objects. You can read more about it here
Just like for loop this method successfully deep clones an object which has properties that are primitive( string , number , bigint , boolean , symbol , null and undefined ) but fails when an object has non-primitive properties. ( objects, arrays, functions ).
4. spread operator
const cloneUser = { ...user };
Similar to Object.assign() this method can be used to clone objects with primitive values but cannot be used to clone nested objects.
5. JSON.parse(JSON.stringify())
Let's consider the same example of a nested object again and try this method.
let user = {
id: "42",
name: {
firstName: "Varun",
lastName: "Khalate"
let clonedUser = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(user));
clonedUser.name.firstName = "Raj";
id: "42",
name: {
firstName: 'Varun',
lastName: 'Khalate'
Finally, this method successfully deep clones a nested object, unlike other methods we discussed above.
Still, it has its own limitations as mentioned below
- It does not clone functions (everything must serialize to a JSON data type)
- It does not work with the Date type. JSON.stringify(new Date()) returns a string representation of the date in ISO format, which JSON.parse() doesn’t convert back to a Date object.
6. structuredClone()
Structured cloning addresses many (although not all) shortcomings of the JSON.stringify() technique. Structured cloning can handle cyclical data structures, support many built-in data types, and is generally more robust and often faster.
let clonedUser = strcuturedClone(user)
Among other limitations, one of them which structuredClone() could not overcome is that if your object contains functions, they will be quietly discarded. You can read more about the limitation here.
Method | Object with primitive values | Nested objects |
assignment operator ( = ) | Shallow clone | Shallow clone |
for loop | Deep clone | Shallow clone |
Object.assign() | Deep clone | Shallow clone |
spread operator ( ... ) | Deep clone | Shallow clone |
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) | Deep clone | Deep clone |
structuredClone() | Deep clone | Deep clone |
We started with what and why object cloning is needed followed by knowing the types of copies generated while cloning an object. We also explored some ways to clone an object and saw the limitations of each. There are other methods as well using libraries and other native methods which I haven't included here.
Hope you learned a thing or two while reading this blog post. See you at the next one :)